Aug 22, 2007


Hello! Okay, by now, I'm sure you're wondering what a "monkpengossum" is. That's everybody's first reaction. So, what exactly is a monkpengossum you ask? Well, it's very simple! You can even make your own! All you have to do is take one part monkey, one part penguin, and one part possum and squish them all together. And there you have it, your very own MONKeyPENGuinpOSSUM!

Yes, I know I'm insane.

This blog is mainly for me to keep in contact with the awesome people in the theater group. So, if you happen to have any of their e-mail addresses, please let me know so I can keep in touch with them too! Thank so much!


broadway girl said...

Just commeting to let you know I was here. By the way, that's a really cool picture of you.

broadway girl said...

I spelled commenting wrong. Sorry.

Joseph said...

Laura, I really want to know what kind of camera you use for your photo taking. Oh my gosh, they are beautiful! How long did it take you to get shots like that? (in case you were wondering, I was just looking at your Flikr)

Miss Athenry said...

hello your highness